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How to Improve Business Performance

Most of the successful entrepreneurs have 3 things in common: they set goals, create systems to achieve these goals and measure the performance rigorously. In this article, we’re going to talk about secrets of these proven concepts of boosting performance. Lets get started on how to improve business performance like successful entrepreneurs.

Set Goals

Setting Goals in the form of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) is a powerful way to focus your team and ensure everyone is working towards the same objectives. Objectives are the final results you want to achieve, while Key Results are the measurable outputs or actions that will get you there.

By setting OKRs, you can ensure that everyone on your team knows what they need to do to contribute to the company’s success. Furthermore, because OKRs are measurable, you can track your progress and ensure that you are making the progress you need to achieve your objectives.

While implement OKRs in your business, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that your objectives are clear and achievable. Second, ensure that your Key Results are measurable and relevant. Finally, don’t forget to review and adjust your OKRs on a regular basis to ensure that they are still relevant and achievable.

Create Systems and Processes to achieve these goals

Mobilize a set of people, tools and processes that work together like a system to consistently perform towards achieving goals. When it comes to improving business, it’s important to find ways to bring efficiencies and allow for everyone to get more done. A system is a way of getting things done. It is a set of tools, processes and people that require coordination to achieve goals. Through the use of systems, it’s possible to create more value for customers and shareholders, incentivize staff and make thing easier for everyone involved.

Determine Key Performance Indicators

KPIs are the best tools to measure performance and predict results. There are 2 types of KPIs – Lead Indicators and Lag Indicators. Lead Indicators help measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the functioning of systems and processes. Lag Indicators help measure achievement of goals.

Lead indicators are typically used to measure the efficiency of a system or process. For example, a lead indicator for a manufacturing process may be the number of defects per unit. A lead indicator for a sales process may be the number of sales calls made per day.

Lag indicators are typically used to measure the achievement of goals. For example, a lag indicator for a manufacturing process may be the number of units produced per day. A lag indicator for a sales process may be the number of sales made per month.

Put everything together on a Dashboard

Create a single page dashboard that will provide you precise information on your performance and insights needed for your decision making.

A well-designed Dashboard is a powerful tool that can help you track your performance, identify areas needing improvement, and make better informed decisions. By consolidating all of the information you need into one easy-to-use page, a Dashboard can save you time and help you stay organized.

When creating a Dashboard, be sure to include only the most essential information. Overloading it with too many details can make it difficult to navigate and interpret. Keep your Dashboard simple and focused, and you’ll be sure to get the most out of it.

Monitor and take action

It is important to regularly monitor the dashboard and take notes on any important deviations in Lead and Lag Indicators. By analysing the root cause for deviations, it is possible to get ideas on how to improve business performance and initiate corrective actions to address the issue. This helps to ensure that the process remains on track and that any potential problems are quickly identified and resolved.


It is important to regularly review and revise your goals and systems to ensure that they remain relevant and effective. This process should be repeated at least on a quarterly basis. By doing so, you can make adjustments as needed to keep your business on track. This will help you to avoid any surprises down the road and keep your business running smoothly.